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With the bike basically ready to run for the top speed event it seemed a waste not to go back to try to beat the 106mph run from the Scooter Shootout back in September.

So hotel booked and a few minor jobs and off we go.

This time the track length was double. I geared for 110mph with a little over rev expected. So hopefully all would be well..

Also the track was reversed so a run with a tailwind may happen. This will help of course but the 106.5mph run was into a headwind and at only half a mile so surely we would hit the 110mph this time?

After a few ignition issues and a replacement of the reeds I ventured out checking temps as the bike stepped through the 5 gears. I wasnt quite happy so aborted the run to come in and upjet.

Second run and I open it up.. I found the mile far too long as I was flat out far too early.. could of upgeared further!! oh well.. lets see..

I held the bike flat out for well over a a third of a mile, temps all stable and motor happy 🙂

This was the result..

Next run my plan was to fit a GoPro camera to record a video. Somehow I knocked it and aborted the run. It was in my way crouching down so another time…

Trevor at Straightliners advised me to back up the top speed run. So fuel check and off I go. I didnt open the bike up straight away as per the last run, but waited a little longer. I concentrated more on tucking in closer , getting everything out of the airstream.

With the temps still stable the little vespa ate through the mile and this is what it achieved.

So 116.2 mph.. and definitely more to come if we want. Only thing is if I want to gear higher I need to get primary gears made. Maybe DRT will help in the future? 🙂

I would like to thank all that helped in the build up to this.

Charlie Edmonds of course at Performance Tuning.

My friends pictured below L to R

Maxi, Mark and Iain. Cheers for travelling over guys. And thanks to Dee for the picture too!


Toying with the idea of a return to Elvington to attempt the top speed run again…

So.. motor out… fit the tall gear kit in… and lets try to get there!