24 Mar


Not much happened track wise last year competition wise.

Bike development did not stand still though. Steering damper to be fitted and flush type filler cap too.

My friend Lloyd Watts at Rusty Innovations was to make the changes.

The idea was to use a GP style rotary damper rather than the usual telescopic type usually chosen.

A repro 90SS tank was purchased along with the damper itself.


Lloyd fabricated mounting brackets for the damper and fitted into the repro dummy tank.36F4D557-1411-403F-B285-9C0FCEC71384_zpsok7bgovf



After much head scratching and discussion the final design was decided on and fitted.



Next job which Lloyd sorted was the filler cap.. the bike still had its original filler from 1969!

It needed an upgrade so a breathable filler was sourced and Lloyd made as usual a great job.







For other custom and one-off work check out Rusty Innovations on FB.

Next up was to refinish everything and rebuild… updates to follow.




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